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"Nightmare in the Manor: A Maid's Humiliation by Mr. Darcy"

I was in a house working as a maid. I went out to get food for my "Master" from the market. When I got there one of my fellow servants was there and asked me if I knew I was out passed their curfew. I raced back home and the gardener asked me if I would be ok. I told him I would and proceeded to open the door greeted by my angry Master who I would refer to as Mr. Darcy. I walked into the house and he sat down on a bench and motioned for me to come to him. I did as I was told, and he lifted my dress and pulled down my knickers and proceeded to spank me very harshly. After that I woke up and I've never seen him in a dream again.

I was in a house working as a maid. I went out to get food for my "Master" from the market. When I got there one of my fellow servants was there and asked me if I knew I was out passed their curfew. I raced back home and the gardener asked me if I would be ok. I told him I would and proceeded to open the door greeted by my angry Master who I would refer to as Mr. Darcy. I walked into the house and he sat down on a bench and motioned for me to come to him. I did as I was told, and he lifted my dress and pulled down my knickers and proceeded to spank me very harshly. After that I woke up and I've never seen him in a dream again.

Dreams can often have multiple layers of meaning and symbolism. In this dream, working as a maid may symbolize feelings of servitude, obligation, or inequality in your waking life. The interaction with the fellow servant and the curfew could suggest feelings of being judged or restricted by external rules or expectations.

The gardener asking if you would be okay may represent a sense of concern or support from someone unexpected in your life. The encounter with Mr. Darcy likely represents authority figures or powerful individuals who may have a significant impact on you.

The spanking by Mr. Darcy could symbolize feelings of punishment, guilt, or shame related to a situation or relationship in your life. It may also reflect feelings of powerlessness or vulnerability in the face of authority figures.

Overall, this dream may be reflecting underlying feelings of submission, control, and punishment in your waking life. It could be beneficial to reflect on any situations or relationships where you may feel disempowered or mistreated, and consider ways to assert your boundaries and regain a sense of agency.